6th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Online | 21-24 September 2020
6th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Online | 21-24 September 2020
Abstract CPOTE2020-1196-A
Book of abstracts draft

CO2 capture and storage performance optimization using meta-models and response surface methodology
Ali BIDGOLI, University of Sao Paulo, BrazilYamid Alberto CARRANZA SÁNCHEZ, Technological University of Pereira, Colombia
Nayereh HAMIDISHAD, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Jurandir Itizo YANAGIHARA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
CO2 emission is a great environmental concern for the oil and gas industries as their processes have high CO2 emissions. Monoethanolamine (MEA) is widely used as a solvent in CO2 capture and storage (CCS) systems. The challenge is that MEA-CCS is itself an energy-intensive process that requires optimum configuration and operation, considering numerous design parameters and heat demands. Thus, the current work evaluates the energy distributions and CO2 removal efficiency of a CCS installed in FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) units operating under different operating conditions of a power and heat generation hub. The optimization procedures are implemented by using high accurate surrogate models for the following responses: 1) overall power consumption of CCS, 2) CCS separation performance, and 3) CCS heating and cooling demands. The input variables considered in the present research are: 1) the exhaust gas compositions and mass flow rate, 2) the operating pressure and temperature parameters of CCS and the injection compression unit, 3) the structural parameters of absorber and stripper columns, and 4) MEA solution parameters. The optimum configuration of CCS presents a significant reduction in the total heating and cooling demands of up to 62.77% (7×106 kW), a reduction in the overall power consumption of up to 8.65 % (1.8 MW), an increase of up to 3.46% in CCS separation performance, and mitigation in CO2 emission of proper CCS by up to 1.02t/h when compared with conventional operating conditions.
Keywords: Offshore, Carbon capture and storage (CCS), Surrogate model, Energy efficiency, Sustainability